I don’t have to consult my blog archives to know I’ve used that title before. First, I make a lot of pillows and second, the double, really triple meaning if you count the 1959 classic movie with Rock Hudson and Doris Day, is right up my alley.
Recycled titles aside, making pillows is an important part of my creative process. Not because I have extreme needs for lumbar support, but because creating a small top allows for experimentation with design without committing large chunks of time or materials. Also crafting that top into a pillow fulfills an underlying ethos that my textiles have some degree of functionality.
Thus, many pillows are born in my wee studio.
A longstanding love affair with combined patterns inspired this pillow top. That and all manner of sewn bits and pieces dyed in similar colors. I added in a couple of squares to bring the top to usable size and quilted the top in simple, horizontal stripes.
Ikon Pillow
The discovery of the samples I made for a never-released fabric collection for Moda Fabrics led me to make the above two pillows a few weeks ago. Having unearthed what felt like a treasure trove, I pieced together some of the fabrics, all the while wondering why I didn’t pursue this collection more vigorously.
Side note: I made these pillows from remnants of that collection at the time:
Ikon scrap pillows from 2015.
This recent pillow design features a 2” x 2” square of each color in my hand dyed solids line.
My plan is to offer swatch sets of the collection and, because I’d hate for the fabric to go to waste, I created this design and will give it away to everyone who orders a swatch set.
I love this simple, spare design almost as much as the idea of something functional being made out of humble swatches.
I am by no means done. Currently I have 3 pillow tops, pieced and quilted, ready for zippered backs and forms as well as a top in progress. Apparently I think in pillows.
You can see more of some of these as well as my other pillow offerings in my shop.