If you've read my blog for a while, heck, if you read it last week, then you know that I had a beautifully designed(not by me) Wordpress blog. It looked great, contained the bulk of the information I wanted it to, and updating my blog was not a problem.
The problem was making any other changes, including changes to my store, adding pages, editing blocks, pretty much anything other than blogging.
A few months ago I was having problems with updating various features and the process was so cumbersome and complicated that I ended up hiring a web designer to help me. He very frankly stated that Wordpress websites offer a world of options and possibilities, but only if you know the ins and outs of Wordpress, which, by the way, are not intuitive, requiring that you spend time studying the terms and processes.
So, I opted to move my site to Squarespace where, though I may not have as many design options (though plenty, in my opinion), I have control over every aspect of this site. And that control comes from the fact that I can add, delete, or alter anything as I see fit.
My site's not 100% finished. The store isn't populated with everything that's in my Etsy shop yet. It doesn't have my planned for "Wholesale" and "Workshop" pages, and I'm still working on importing all my blog posts from both my previous Blogger and Wordpress sites, but I can still bring you this:
A stack of indigo dyed and patterned pillows, ready for their close-ups.
I'm super happy to have made this move, but deciding to do it was not easy. I had invested time and money in the other site. There came a point where, because I didn't have the Wordpress know-how, my site and I couldn't grow together unless I undertook to learning the world of Wordpress.
Ultimately though I wanted to spend my "learning" time investigating patterning, color, and sewing techniques.
I think I've made a wise choice and I look forward to making this space bright and colorful, informative, and, most of all, fun for you all to visit.
I hope you'll join me here and/or in my other spaces on the web as well as subscribe to my newsletter. Just between you and me, subscribing has loads of benefits including a "subscriber's only" Black Friday/Cyber Monday discount code that goes out in next Wednesday's newsletter. Just fill in your info in the box below.